About RANGERS 2014 "Чесноти добродетели"

This international milsim event it is a non stop and a long duration milsim event based in the Ukrainian conflict.

We will use combined land, water and air operations.

The event conditions will be as similar as possible to the Crimea Peninsula and the Ukrainian areas next to the russian borders.

-September 18

.CodeRG Begins ->Only for Special Forces acepted by the Organization Board (Hardcore Milsim)

.Reception period for Rangers 2014 and general display for players and factions only for the preparation of the event inside their faction

19h00 Open movement for defensive observation positions

20h00 Open non ofensive movement for Special Operations

-September 19: Starting all movements of the game at 00h00

-September 20: Non Stop

September 21: 12h End of the event

( Rangers 2014 has 60 hours non stop, with CodeRg Rangers 2014 has more than 60 hours non stop)


It is a milsim event by invitation, recommendation or by presentation to the organization board.

Rangers 2014 short presentation - Світ не війна

There are two factions: The West and the East

- The West is formed by Ukraine and NATO

Ukraine, NATO, Black/blue one colour uniforms/BDU and mixed combinations of this types). The desert types are excluded. Ukrainian, NATO or members national symbols area alowed.


*Ukrainian Forces: Ukranian BDU, one colour colour uniform/BDU in black or blue or those colours mixed with NATO BDU/uniform.

*NATO Forces: All NATO full BDU/Uniform (excluding desert)

- The East is formed by Russia and their allies

Russian uniforms, all desert uniforms without symbols conected to the West; non NATO uniforms/BDU, one colour uniforms (excluding black/blue colours) civil clothes. All mixture of desert uniforms with civilian clothes or one colour uniform/BDU (excluding black/blue colours) are permited. Russian, Indian, Chinese, Arab or Soviet BDU symbols or symbols from non NATO countries are permited.


* Pro-Russia local milicia: one colour uniform/BDU (excluding black/blue colours) and civil clothes (including normal blue jeans - no military style pants or black/blue shirts)

* Russia and allies forces : Russia uniform, non NATO BDU and desert BDU (in this case NATO BDU are allowed), we do recomend to remove or cover the national, west, NATO symbols. you can also mix these BDU.


Ukrainian forces and pro-russian local militia forces are in the territory in dispute.

Outside that territory are the NATO and the Russia forces.

The territory in dispute as 03 main strategic positions, the territory will be dominated by one of the forces if they obtain the control of 02 of those 03 positions for 02 hours.

Each strategic positions has 03 tactical points, to obtain the control of each strategic position it is necessary to control 02 of the 03 positions for 02 hours.

There are secundary objectives with influence in the general course of the event.

The faction that obtain control of 02 main strategic positions during 2h will have the control of the territory in dispute and win the RANGERS 2014.



Each Faction Commander (02) must have a general plan, comunications rules and the time rotation rest orders of their players for the period of the event.

The Respawn it`s marked in each 02 hours ( ...18h,20h,22h...), there are fixed respawn positions and mobile respawns.

No highcaps are permited, supressions airsoft guns are only the ones admited by the organization board.

BBS only inside caps, no loaders and bbs bags outside authorized areas.

No garbeag outside organization disposal and NO FIRE

374 fps as maximum with a 0.20 bb, 5 meters minimum distance, 2 meters in confined spaces.

( Rules are simple and some more rules will be revelead in time)

Rangers 2014 players perfil - истинные игроки

a) CodeRG - Players of milsim events like HERCULES SERIES (acepted by the organization board)

- Hardcore Milsim  -

b) Rangers 2014

- Special Operations of each Commander (02 in each faction) prepared for long, exigent and special missions in very small groups (2 to 5/6 members) and to be out for 60h ( Players Group III )

- Special Forces of each Commander, prepared for special missions in small groups (8 to 12/14 members) and to be out for 12h ( Players Group II )

- Infantry Forces of each Commander, bigger groups ready for regular missions of 6h and for large motorized missions ( Players Group I )

c) Each Commander (04) are considered members of the organization

General Info

All players must know the rules, the main objectives and the spirit of the RANGERS 2014, acept the event rules, the organization and the Commander decisions, the milsim spirit and to be comited to the airsoft milsim FUN of Rangers 2014

Each player must be legal, to be in good health conditions, sign the RANGERS 2014 compromisse, complete the normal inscriptions procedements in time, bring the essential material requested and to take notice of the organizations recomendations, act acording to RANGERS 20014 spirit and rules and  arrive and leave the event in the moment acorded with the organization.


You do not need to be a very experienced milsim player but you do need to be a milsim player ready for complex and long milsim events in areas with tactical dimension and to know that RANGERS SERIES were created for FUN, for players that want to ENJOY an advanced military simulation and not you win a RANGERS.


CodeRG players must know how to swim and to be hardcore players like the HERCULES SERIES players

All players :

Must have at least 18 years old, good health conditions and sign the RANGERS 2014 PLAYERS DECLARATION.

Must carry airsoft guns under 374 fps with 0,20 bb.

Portuguese players must obey to "Lei das Armas".

Foreign players can bring their airsoft guns has they are (374fps) , for transportation details contact us.

All players must send by email :

- full name , nick, team, nationality, date of birth, nº identification card (BI, cartão cidadão, DNI, passaport, ...), tax number (for players free insurance just for RANGERS 2014 if you do not have one ) , email.


Short Strategic Description -бути розумним



Inside the territory in dispute there are the Ukrainian Army and the pro-Russia local militia.

At 00h00 Alpha has no troops, the Ukranian Army it´s in Bravo, The pro-Russia  local militia it´s in Charlie

In the West and outside this territory there are the NATO forces.

In another side and also outside the territory in dispute there are the Russian forces and their allies.




Alpha) CITY

Tactical points:

. Media Center (Gives the Nuclear Civilian Info and the Victory Announcement)

. Bank ( Has the € / gold)

. Parliament (Gives Authorizations Letters and the Declaration for the Victory Announcement)

(Outside and in a good distance of this target there are two fixed Respawn that can´t be taken)



Tactical points:

. Barracks (bb and so on, the bbs needs € / gold )

. 03 Nuclear Missiles (they can be used and will cause a terrible nuclear war) Each missile destroy one tactical target and kill all forces there; the use of 03 missile in one strategic target will destroy it . Needs Media Center for Nuclear Civilian info or Authorization Letter from the Parliament and the agreement from the 02 Commanders of the Faction)

. Fuel deposit (for cars, planes, boats) Needs € / gold and the Authorization Letters from the Operations Office and the Parliament (together).

(Outside and in a good distance of this target there are two fixed Respawn that can´t be taken)



(If NATO ou Russia army goes to this strategic target that will cause strong tension )

Tactical points:

. Operations Office (gives authorization letter)

. Deposit

. Pipeline

(Outside and in a good distance of this target there are two fixed Respawn that can´t be taken)


a) The letter of the Declaration of Victory only can be achieved from the Parliament after two hours of control but can be used in any moment, that’s not important who controls the Parliament in the moment of is utilization and in this case you do not need the Media Station.

B )If you want to use the Media Station for the Victory Announcement you just need to control that tactical point in that moment, in this case you do not need the Parliament Declaration.

c) The documents are  normally given by organization decision when a Commander take control of that Tactical Point (in this case you do not need 03 hours of Control as a rule), aren´t passed for the faction but just for the Commander and there 02 in each faction

d )There are other tactical objectives, general rules and details that will not be revealed for now.